Project Period
October 2007 – September 2010
MT-TIRC expands the current resources and services of the Transition Projects in response to needs identified by young people with developmental disabilities, their families, schools, and providers such as the Montana Developmental Disabilities Program; the Montana Advocacy Program; Parents, Let’s Unite for Kids (PLUK); and the Office of Public Instruction. These key stakeholders have repeatedly stated they need information about how to best prepare youth for adult life while they are still in school; guidance about what adult agencies do and how to access their services; help navigating the adult system; and information, innovative ideas, and technical assistance to create unique, individualized and inclusive adult lives for young people with developmental disabilities.
In Montana, there are often lengthy waiting lists for DD adult residential and employment services, and many students with significant disabilities are not even considered for community employment, housing, or recreation due to the severity of their disability. Through the Youth Advisory Board and Emerging Leader Project, MT-TIRC will change that practice by:
Providing information about services for young adults, how to access them, and how to blend or braid funds and resources together to create the supports they want and need.
Increasing awareness of ALL options for adult living, especially paid community employment or self-employment, post-secondary education, home ownership, and inclusive community membership (recreation, leisure, civic opportunities, etc.).
Supporting youth with developmental disabilities to learn and practice leadership skills by representing themselves in a strengths-based manner, describing their own abilities and support needs, and advocating for needed accommodations at their IEP meetings.
Advisory Board Information
To join the Montana Transition Listserv please send your email address to:
For additional information about MT-TIRC contact:
Ellen Condon, Project Director
Toll-free: 1-800-243-5467, or (406) 243-4134
Mail: Rural Institute, 700 SW Higgins Ave., Suite 250, Missoula, MT 59803
Kim Brown, Project Coordinator
Toll-free: 1-800-243-5467, or (406) 243-4852
Rural Institute
700 SW Higgins Ave., Suite 250
Missoula, MT 59803