Hi, I’m Alana Scrano. Here are 5 fun facts about me!
- I live with my family in Montana!
- I have 3 siblings and they are home with Dad while I’m here with Mom.
- I like to sign “Dad” and “Home” ALL the time!
At home, I LOVE to go for rides in my mini-Jeep. My brother, Sal, and I get the mail together. It’s a 1/2 mile to our mailbox. I like to sign “drive” a lot!
Special Olympics is very important to me! I’m on a bocce, basketball, bowling and gymnastics team! We call ourselves the “Bandits.” I have a lot of team spirit, and I sign the cheer, “GO BANDITS!”
Animals fill my days! I care for chickens, ducks, sheep, cats and dogs on our hobby farm. And, I ride my lesson horse, Penny, most Thursdays. I often sign, “horses Thursday,” because it’s something I really look forward to.
I have my own hobby business, and we make dog treats! You can ask me yes/no questions about my dog treats. I love to talk about them!
THANK YOU for getting to know me better!
My mom, Kim, can share much more about me! She’s staying at (ADDRESS HERE), and she’s always available by phone if she’s not at my bedside. Just call (PHONE NUMBER HERE).